Book An Appointment
Consultation, Exam and Treatment (1 hour): £75.00
Standard Treatment (40 mins): £60.00
Registration Form
Please fill in the online registration form prior to attending your appointment via the button link below:
If you have private health insurance and your treatment has been authorised, an invoice can be provided to you via paper copy or email.
For insurance cover, you will need to provide details of your insurance details including membership number and expiry date. Most insurance providers will require an appointment and referral from your GP first.
You will need to confirm with your insurance provider that osteopathy or sports massage therapy services can be claimed or are available before you attend your first session or for when you wish to start your cover.
Note: Please note that some private health insurance providers (e.g. BUPA, AXA PPP, Aviva, PruHealth) require a referral letter from your GP before they authorise payment. Please telephone your insurance provider to check this before booking your appointment. We accept card payments.
Card or cash payments accepted.
Home Visits Currently Only Available
Text or call: 07890292987
Home Visits Available: Text or Call 07890 292987